Dessert/ Mason Jar/ Pies

Mini Mason Jar Blueberry Pies

July 27, 2016

I was inspired by an article about the benefits of blueberries in preventing dementia, and therefore was considering using blueberries in ice cream, when my cousin posted a video of pies in mason jars on Facebook. I wanted to embed that video, but it’s Facebook, not YouTube, so you’ll need to click the link and watch the video. (both Facebook and non-Facebook links are dead now) Here’s a similar video:

How cute is that?? I had actually been wanting to make marshmallow (flavor) ice cream, and decided I would do the marshmallow and the mason jar pies, and eat them together! Brilliant!

Unbaked mini-mason jar pies

I’m not really a cook/baker/chef at all – I eat most meals out or just have a smoothie – but I have a strong craft gene that makes me want to try crafty things. Watching them weave the tiny lattice pie crusts got me going, and I made my shopping list. As it turned out, I had apparently been inspired by this craft before, and already had 2 dozen 4-oz mini mason jars, so I only needed to buy pie crust and blueberries to make the pies. The jars in the linked video above were 8 oz jars (called half-pint mason jars), but I also found recipes for using the tiny 4 oz ones.

The cute Facebook video by the blog Thoughtful Women links to the recipe, which uses canned blueberry pie filling, and I was like, what? I have blueberries!! So I went down the rabbit hole of Blueberry Pie Filling Recipes on Google, and ended up with Easy Blueberry Pie Recipe from She Wears Many Hats blog because it used brown sugar, and that sounded good.

Blueberry mini-mason jar pie

Easy Blueberry Pie from She Wears Many Hats (filling only)

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  • 5 cups fresh blueberries
  • 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons milk or cream (I used cream)
  • 4 tablespoons all purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon



Oven 375 F


In a large bowl, whisk together the lemon juice and milk


Gradually incorporate the flour into the mix, whisk until smooth


Stir in the brown sugar and cinnamon


Add the blueberries and stir to coat


Let sit for about 5 minutes


Filling is ready - I put it in 4 oz mason jars without a bottom crust


Cut the pie dough into lattice strips and weave


Use the mason jar band to cut out a circle of lattice crust to fit (see the video link above)


You can brush the crust with egg or milk or not


Bake 35 minutes


The 4 T flour + 3 T liquid + sugar did not make a "sauce" but a sort of dough ball that was not that easy to "coat" the berries, but eventually it did. I guess I was expecting something more like salad dressing than cookie dough! I ended up using about 3/4 of this recipe in a dozen 4 oz jars, with leftovers which I froze for later.

I tried it both with and without crust in the bottom of the jar, like they show in the video, but not only did the double crust jars take longer to bake, the jar is so small that it’s mostly crust.  Also, the blueberries bubble up and out of the cute lattice crust, so take your proud photos before baking!! I did not bother to crimp the sides of the crust to the jar either – I wanted to be able to put lids on the jars, since I took them with me to my sister’s house for dessert.

They were really yummy poured over the marshmallow ice cream – the jars are really too small to put a scoop of ice cream on top and be able to eat out of the jar. Also, it was fun to take them “raw” and bake them during lunch so they were piping hot when we served dessert. Next up: make my own pie dough! (well, not actually next but someday).

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