Comfort Food/ Dinner

Ginger & Roasted Garlic Soup

December 5, 2020

This is both a riff on my already yummy broth (made primarily from veggies but not vegetarian) and because I came across this recipe from Healthy Holistic Living (from 2016) which sounded really good. Of course, I didn’t really follow their recipe strictly, but the yumminess of garlic and ginger sounded so good, I had to use the ingredients and make soup. I didn’t have enough broth, so I started a new pot of my Vegetable Broth and then went from there. I decided not to put all the ingredients for this soup in my broth making, because there’s this part at the end of the recipe and other garlic soup recipes where you use a blender to cream it up a bit. My broth gets strained, seeing as it contains a lot of onion skins and such, so there wouldn’t be anything to cream. So there’s still broth available for other uses. I also won’t claim it cures anything like the common cold and high blood pressure but it does have all the ingredients for a good chicken soup-esque concoction guaranteed to make garlic and ginger lovers happy.

one cup of soup with a dab of heavy cream mixed in

OMG the roasted garlic smells so good but MAN it’s a mess to do. And those roasted husks are TOTALLY going in my freezer bag for the next broth. Yes, all the recipes say to cut the top of the head off so you can see all the cloves, which I sorta didn’t cut deep enough. They also show taking off as much of the papery outside as possible – yes, please do this next time. And then squeeze the clove to pop it out – well, sort of. I hope garlic is good for fingernails. I don’t own a “cocktail fork” which one recipe referenced. Who does?? I did see mentions of adding this roasted garlic paste to sour cream for a dip, which sounds divine.

Ginger & Roasted Garlic Soup

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a yummy concoction of roasted garlic, homemade veggie/chicken broth and ginger and stuff


  • 4 T of butter or ghee
  • 2 garlic bulbs, roasted (see note)
  • the peeled cloves of 2 more garlic bulbs, not roasted (I had already peeled cloves)
  • 4 cups of Vegetable or Chicken Broth/stock or maybe bone broth (or you could use the coconut milk/cream to bring it to 4 cups, so 3 1/2 cups broth with 1/2 cup cream, or 3 cups broth and 1 cup cream)
  • 2 onions, sliced or chopped - they'll be mashed in the end
  • fresh ginger root - I had 2 "hands" which were maybe 1/2 lb, and I put the parts I cut off while peeling in the broth while making it, and then peeled and chopped the rest
  • heavy cream or canned coconut milk - there was some variance on this in different recipes, from 1/2 cup to 2 cups - I'm thinking this part might be optional. It's a very creamy soup even without cream.
  • various spices for the soup, from different recipes I found, optional, to your taste (1/2 - 1 teaspoon each):
  • cayenne
  • thyme
  • basil
  • oregano
  • salt
  • pepper
  • optional lemon
  • optional cooked chicken
  • optional ramen noodles or other noodles
  • optional garnishes - chives, green onion, fresh parsley, maybe cilantro



Roast the garlic - some recipes called for 4 - 10 heads, I just used 2; slice tops of bulb off, roast 30-40 minutes at 400° F. Cool then pop the garlic out of the paper husks and set aside.


Melt the butter in your soup pot. I used a regular 8-quart pot but it might be easier in a Dutch oven.


Add the onions and ginger and sauté until onions are translucent.


Add spices and roasted garlic and raw garlic cloves and combine/cook a couple more minutes.


Add the broth and simmer until the raw garlic is tender - 20 minutes or so. Be sure the ginger is also tender.


Use an immersion blender to cream it all together; alternately, work in batches using a regular blender (caution: hot liquid!)


If you want it to be a creamy soup, add milk/cream here and stir it in and bring back to a simmer. (I just added it in the bowl.)


I'm thinking of using fresh lemon juice when serving and maybe adding some cooked chicken, and/or using this soup as the base for ramen noodles.


to roast garlic bulbs- slice off the tops, put them in a muffin tin with olive oil, cover with aluminum, roast at 400° F for 30-40 minutes

The recipe that inspired me actually doesn’t use a roasted bulb of garlic – they suggest you roast the unpeeled cloves, separated from the papery husk and root. That might be easier.

It’s so creamy – from the butter, I guess – and very, very spicy, from the broth + ginger + cayenne. I’m really thinking of using this as a base for ramen noodles although it’s not a clear broth. I meant to take photos of the roasted garlic and chopped ginger – next time!

photo of pot on the stove with ginger and roasted garlic soup simmering
still simmering on the stove

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